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Powers of Attorney and Coming of Age

If your child turns 18 (in most states), you may find it hard to comprehend that the child who once depended on you for everything is now an adult - overnight. Now your child is free to vote, marry, apply…

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The Coronavirus Pandemic and Air Travel

In response to improved safety protocols in the prevention of Coronavirus transmission, more Americans are choosing to travel by plane. Airports, airline personnel, and TSA agents are handling a huge increase in the number of airline passengers, according to the…

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You Have Been Appointed Representative Payee, What Now?

Your nephew, Roberto, receives social security benefits and you have been assigned to manage these benefits. In the Social Security system, you’ll be called Roberto’s “representative payee.” The situation is similar if you’re appointed to help your elderly father, who…

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New Law Enacted – Autism Cares Act

Over the past ten years, significant resources have been committed to researching Autism Spectrum Disorder, also known as ASD. The Combating Autism Act became law in 2006, was reauthorized in 2011, then again reauthorized and renamed to Autism CARES Act…

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The Rise of Telemedicine Services and Virtual Medical Care

Telemedicine can be described as health-related services and information being distributed by electronic technologies. Not long-ago telemedicine was an innovative practice, primarily a supplement to hospitals' information strategy managing patient care and their data more efficiently. During the coronavirus pandemic…

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Factors That Play a Role in Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that causes memory loss, problems thinking, and ultimately, loss of the ability to complete simple tasks. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks. Alzheimer’s…

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